Bringing Femxle Expertise Center Stage

Feminist inspired minds that envision life-serving economies are everywhere, but sometimes, they do not know each other or not enough women know them. The 36x36 Association is dedicated to change this:

We gather expertise, knowledge and visionary thinking of women who all hold a piece of the puzzle of a new economic architecture based on a female reference system. We bring women experts into conversations with each other and widely distribute the knowledge that is already out there.

Pathways to life-serving economies: Conversations that matter with female experts

Episode 1: Mariana Bozesan

Born into communist Bulgaria, Mariana kept her vision of human ethics alive throughout her career as a serial impact investor and entrepreneur. She is passionate about what a consciousness shift in business and society can contribute to life-serving economies.

Episode 2: Riane Eisler

Born into Austria during Nazi domination, Riane started to analyze early how domination and mysoginy keeps extractive and exploitative economies running to the detriment of people and planet. Instead, she argues in her various publications that turning into our partnership mindset will shift the way we operate in our economies.Life-serving economies need a partnership approach.

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